Thursday, November 20, 2014

10 Ways of Better Selling on Etsy

Know Your Competition | Product Photography | Variety in Products | Figure out your Brand | Advertising / Self Promotion | Etsy Teams / Forums | About Page and Policy Page | SEO and Tags | Pricing | Have Fun

Etsy is the front lines of Online Hand Craftsmanship and you're on the front line of that battlefield (assuming you already have a shop open). You can either fail or succeed, but only a certain level of hard work and determination put into what you do will be the key to your success or it will be your downfall.

In order for you to also be successful, you must understand how Ecommerce (Etsy specifically) works and how to use that knowledge to help you tweak your online personality and your product listing to bring potential customers to YOUR table.

1.) Know Your Competition

Knowing your competition is key to having a selling success story, not just once, but multiple times over. This applies on real life retail or online retail situations. This involves knowing your competitions product, selling strategy, and pricing (especially if they have any deals).

Research! If you're selling on Etsy or any other platform (eBay, Amazon, Bonanza), you need to research and see how people are describing their items, how they are tagging their items, and what they are using as their item's titles. If your doing that already, then you're already on the right track.
Picture Showing an Actual Listing from Etsy
Knowing what others are selling and how they are presenting their product is key to knowing how to present your own products!

2.) Product Photography

Having a well photographed product/listing is key bringing a potential customer into your online shop or even view a product listing. Proper lighting, backdrop, environment, and stand (if you plan on selling jewelry or very small items) will help with your presentation of your item.

Unless your direct linking people to an item they are already interested in, they majority of your views to your listing will be because of your Main Picture for that listing. If its a dark picture, is crowded (has competing colors in its background), or just bad resolution quality, then you most likely wont get as many views to said listing, which means less chances of a purchase.

There are many tutorials out there on the web, with a good portion that are actual videos, that can help in taking decent product photography.

3.) Variety in Products

Grow! This one word, is one of the things, especially if you're new, will be a struggle. You have to constantly be growing your shop by uploading it with new products frequently.

The reason behind this need is that if the potential customer doesn't have much of a selection to choice from, then they wont think you have something to offer them. Variety in quantity (without the loss of Quality) is key to having a successful online shop. The more you have, the longer a customer will browse your shop and brand. The longer they are with you, the greater chances they'll make a purchase from you or better yet, contact you if something custom can be made based on what you have already offered in your shop.

4.) Figure out your Brand

Before or after, depending on if you have a game plan on what you want to do or if your new at it all, you need to figure out what your brand (aka your product and your style) is trying to represent.

Branding can be multiple things:

  • Type of the Product being Offered
  • How you Showcase it
  • How you Personally Represent it

Type, Display, and/or Personality; these are the three kinds of branding you can represent. Wither you choose one, two, or all three is up to you, but it very important to be able to signify what your shop is about.

( Business cards, Logo Style, Name of your Shop, and any other Graphical add-ons that apply to your shop is Branding as well. These should fit together as a set and should never differ from each other or cause confession on your Brand's Identity.)

5.) Advertising / Self Promotion

Promoting yourself is just as important as being able to sell yourself and your brand. If you aren't promoting and advertising your product, then you are just stabbing yourself in the foot.

Advertising your product isn't as hard as it seems. Sometimes is might cost you some out of pocket cash, but the main focus here will be advertising on a free market.

The free advertising market, which includes primarily many social networking sites, is the focus of this section. In fact, you most likely use one of those sites (if you aren't, then you should!) on an almost daily basis.
These websites include:

  • Facebook (primarily Facebook Pages)
  • Google +
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • Twitter
  • Tumblr
  • Youtube

This is just a short list of 7,  but this is a strong short list of social media websites that are constantly waiting to be filled with new content, especially pictures and video.

Handling all these sites can be a handful. Luckily, there is an app/website that makes it simple to.

IF THIS THEN THAT, or simply, offers the ability to cause one post, say to Facebook, be also posted amongst other sites. Indeed worth a check. ( I personally use this and I can guarantee it works amazingly) Its available for Iphone and Android devices.
Being able to spread yourself out to multiple locations and trying to get your product out there is so key to success! Its how movies are advertised; through TV, Social Media, Youtube, ect. The more you spread yourself upon the media, the more you'll get out of it in return, and that return being sales.

6.)  Etsy Teams / Forums

Depending if your new or not, You should be checking out Etsy Teams and the Etsy Forums.

The Etsy Forums is a valuable source of information from thousands of users, past and present, filled with their questions and of course, answers. It is also a great place to see what the current buzz is about with the Etsy Website itself.

Besides the later, if you haven't ever noticed, there are dozens of people constantly asking other users, most of whom are sellers as well, to over look their shops and give them (Hopefully you in the near future) thoughtful cortiques from a specific listing to their overall shop.  This in itself is a strong service to take advantage of since this advice is given freely.

Etsy Teams, just like the forums, is another avenue to seeking help from others, but more on the concentrating level. Most teams or groups, have a specific goal in mind, either that being to help others with Tags & SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to helping sellers with having a better item presentation.

There are also groups on Facebook that do the same thing as Etsy Teams, but with the better social interaction interface that Facebook provides. You can either search for them on your own on Facebook or you can check this list of Groups on this blog:

7.)  About Page and Policy Page

I find it really important to fill in your Policy Page (Policy Example of Mine) as many potential customers that are new to Etsy might have doubt in a new shop (or even a well aged shop) and not purchase anything from you. Even if you have a filled Policy Page, look it over again, ask a friend or someone online to over look it and get their opinion. If by chance, one of those options have a conflict with your policies, then potential customers might also have a conflict with them as well. 

Your About Page (About Page Example of Mine) is your place to shine, literally. Its your chance to tell anyone about you and what makes the shop itself tick. It could be your first and last opportunity to express yourself and your craft to those people who seek out your skill without having to talk to them one on one. Use your best pictures, best vocab and grammar, and upon everything else, make yourself sound interesting and unique (without sugarcoating it)!

8.) SEO and Tags

SEO and Listing Tags is crucial and also very in depth in many cases. Whether you're new to it or a veteran, these two things can make make you money or prevent you from making any money at all. 

SEO is what Google or any other search engine uses to figure if your item has what the user of that search engine is looking for.
For example, if you type "Crocheted Baby Cockblock" in Google, you will most likely be engulfed by pictures and links to my Crocheted Cockblocks. This is the power of SEO.

SEO works along with pictures, link address, and the short beginning of a description on a page, in this instance, my Etsy (or any other site) listing.

Tags are used more primarily on the Etsy Site it self. It helps narrow down items and display what is most relevant to you or your customer's search.

When using tags, it is highly suggested to NOT use one worded tags. However, they can still be used, but its better to use a combination of words that help describe your listing/product. If you have issues with figuring what you should tag, go off of this list:

  • What is it?
  • What is it for?
  • Who is it for?
  • When can it be used?
  • Why does it exist?

Here are also some guides that can help with Tagging and SEO:

9.)  Pricing

The pricing of your items can attract or can scare away potential customers. Pricing can be one of the hardest things you'll have to decide upon, especially if the priced item in question is completely hand made.

There is a basic model of how to charge:
Material Cost + Labor Costs + Handmade Skill Charge = Pricing

Material Cost is easy to explain. Since you want to cover your purchasing costs of said material, you'll want to add this. This can also, in sometimes, be the most expensive part of the equation.

Labor Costs is hard to define. Depending on your craft, it could be above the standard min wage or it could be way below. This could also change from product to product, from simplicity or stupid difficult.

The Handmade Skill Charge is something I personally tack on to my pricing. My explanation to this when I tell people is that I'm providing a product that requires a certain amount of skill and experience that the normal individual wouldn't have the time or patience to learn themselves. I am providing something unique to the individual because of a Skill I have finely tuned with years of experience.

Last that isn't mention is that of Shipping Costs. Depending on your item, you can either absorb the shipping costs of the said item in question or add it on. This add on can either be on the Pricing itself or as a separate charge, which is usually listed as "Shipping and Handling".

The one thing you must be careful about with charging shipping separately, is that if the cost of the shipping isn't justified or overwhelming to a lot (without justification) then you'll be left with a customer that deletes the item from their online cart or plain out abandons it, which is never a good thing and honestly happens quite often, online and in real life.

10.) Have Fun

No. Seriously. Depending on your mindset or where your coming at, if your new at it all or a veteran, you need to remember to have fun, but still professional of course.

I have found that most of my creations come from me not even thinking about them because I was having fun with what I was doing.
If you tend to stress out or are scared of failure, try not too if its possible.

"One with an ease mind is quicker to react then with a mind filled with doubt and stress." - Amigurumi Man + All those other Wise Men & Women in the World

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Cash Crate - Legit or Scam

As you may know, I've been using Cash Crate on and off for about 4 years now (or at least from this posting). Over time I've seen and read many people asking if Cash Crate actually works for people or if its a total waste of time and a complete scam.

If you dont know much about Cash Crate, I'd recommend checking a previous post I made about Cash crate. (What is CashCrate?) Continuing forward though, the whole definition of legit or scam is hard to say. To be more precise, Cash Crate is a Legit work at home survey job where:

  • You can get paid Monthly
  • Can interact with fellow cash craters (users of cashcrate and through their forums) just like you would at a real job.
  • The more time you put into the site, the more you can potentially earn.

The part where I think a lot of people lose sight on the website, is what was just mentioned, "The Time". Many of the different jobs on the site, wither they be actual surveys, offers, or cash tasks, can at times, be quite time consuming, unless you know what your doing or know how to do it properly. The most time consuming and sometimes frustrating times are the following:
  • Surveys that don't qualify you to complete a survey for credit (usually happens mid-way or at the beginning) are time sinks
  • Offers that fail to credit you
  • Cash Tasks that are time consuming and many times require you to be some what perfect to bank on
Now, I wouldn't say these 3 are deal breakers for cash crate, but they are a real thing that does happen and honestly, is just the way online sites such as this work (though I personally believe Cashcrate is still one of the better of the ones out there).

The good thing about some of the things on cash crate is something I mentioned a little earlier, and that is the forums!

The forums are a good source of information, especially for the Offers that actually work/still active and getting help on certain tasks or getting questions answered in general. I have not run into a website to offer such an interactive service with other users, especially when the admins are actually active as well in the community. Which is a plus.

But back to the subject at hand. Is Cash crate the Real Deal or is it Bogus. It all just depends on you, which doesn't help answer the question. I suppose the questions would be these:

Q: Will I get paid?
A: Yes! You will get paid once you complete enough tasks on the website that credit up to $20. Which is actually the minimum you need to make to get a check and when  you sign-up, you get $5 credited to you as a Welcome gift. So your basically 1/4 the way done from getting your first check.

Q: How do I know people are actually getting checks?
A: Easy! Users physically upload pictures of their deliver checks to the website, volunteerly!
Go to - (might need to sign in, but below is a screen shoot of Oct 2014 payments)

I don't want to bore you, but these are just examples. I have personally made 50+ dollars from the site, as well as my significant other who has been doing cashcrate for even lesser time then I. The best part about the program honestly, is that you don't have to be 16 or 18. As long as you have an adult able to cash the check on your behalf, then you are gold, which is a great benefit.

But let me know what you think in the comments. I want to hear your experience or future experience. Also, if you have signed up yet, sign up through my referral link below. If you sign up through that, you'll be able to directly messaage me through cash crate with any questions you might have and if you have any here, be sure to ask them here as well.

Monday, May 12, 2014

CashCrate - Personal Review - What is Cash Crate?

Age Category: 14 - 80
Requirements: Patience & Strategy 

"Welcome to CashCrate! We have Task for you!"
I know what your thinking, "What is CashCrate"? Cash Crate is one of many Survey Sites on the amazing internet that task you jobs in exchange for small amounts of money, very much like and (if you're familiar with them).

Cash Crate also has a one of the friendliest online community and forum of any survey site that I've personally seen. Main reason, everyone is there for one specific goal, to make some money and they don't mind helping others along the way at the same time either.

What Do I need
To start a CashCrate account, All you need is a:
  1. Valid Email Address 
  2. Use of your real name
  3. A Phyiscal Mailing Address
"Whoa there! my Email Address?"
Yes. In order to sign up for an account, you'll need a valid email address. My suggestion is to set up a 2nd email (or 3rd or 4th, depending how many you already have) specifically for Cash Crate. So, as an example, . Whatever works for you.

"Ok. That is  fine I guess, but why my real name?? I want to be anonymous."
Understandable, but in order for you to get paid via crash crate's payment system (which is by mailing you a physical check), your real name is a necessity.

"Wait? Mailing me a check? Is that why I need to give them my address?"
Yup! In order for CashCrate to pay you, you'll need to give them an address for mailing out your check to. Also, depending on your standing with the website, could either be by the 1st or the 15th of every month.

Where do I start?
The most easiest way to start is actually signing up right here!

The Pay
CashCrate offers many avenues of about obtaining and making money. Payments or Checks, as mentioned earlier, are sent out monthly either on the 1st or the 15th. These dates depend on what level you are on the website. Direct deposit, if you have you're own bank account, becomes available to you once you reach a certain pinnacle on the website. This pinnacle is easily measured by the amount of which you've earned on the website.

Cash Outs / Payments do have a minual requirement, which is a easy (yes, its quite easy) $20. If you're a hardballer and wish to set your self up with a higher payment goal, you can edit it to whatever your heart desires. For me, I like to set mine at $25.

  • *Offers
    • The Offers tab hosts the about 1/5 of what CashCrate has to office (in my opinion). Most of the offers are divided between paying into and just signing up with an offer (for free). Also, on top of doing and completing offers, you'll receive points that you can redeem for a large arrangement of gift cards or if you feel lucky, playing games to win a chance to earn even more!
  • *Surveys
    • The Offers Tab hosts the basic surveys that you can almost do on a daily basis (once 24 hours on each survey)
  • *Top Surveys
    • The Top Surveys tab hosts more advanced surveys that are sometimes hit and miss as they are looking for specific individuals to complete said surveys.
  • *Referrals
    • The Referrals tab gives you options on how you can make the most of Cash Crate, by getting referrals. Referrals, are a good primary source of obtaining sustainable and constant profit with cash crate because each task and offer your referrals do, you also get a share of their earnings as well (no you ain't stealing what they make!)
  • *Bonus Surveys
    • The Bonus Surveys Tab has a mix of offers and surveys that you can do for some extra cash.
  • *Bonus Offers
    • The Bonus Offers Tab, just like the normal Offers Tab, shows additional options for garnishing extra cash flow. However, just like many of the normal Offers, there are many offers in this tab that will require you to pay some amount to get something back in return. Sometimes its equal to what you pay and sometimes its more to what you paid.
  • *Cash Tasks
    • The Cash Tasks tab loads up a third party (CrowdFlower) money making website (that works with cashcrate). These cash tasks require you to perform internet tasks such as doing website research to making sure a company website has its hours listed. Signing up for a CrowdFlower account is most likely going to be a requirement for most of the jobs in this tab. So keep that in mind.

In conclusion. I like cashcrate. They have a easy going community of cash craters and an amazing Admin Mod Staff.  I've been a member with them since 2010(?) and have always found my self always going back after trying other money making websites. Plus, its a fun pass time with friends if you want to make it. Nothing makes friend challenges more eventful on CashCrate!